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Masterfibre - MasterPlay - Playgrounds - MasterGrass (Play 40) - Artificial Grass with Shock Pad

Rubber Shock Pad for Artificial Grass

MasterFibre Rubber ShockPad

Product Overview

Used specifically for super-efficient playground underlay installations Rubber Shockpads are the popular choice by smart contractors looking for guaranteed surface compliance and installation savings. Rubber Shockpads have become very popular with thousands of square meters installed under synthetic grass and wetpour rubber playground surfaces every year.

The Rubber Shockpads main raw material component is 4 mesh rubber tyre buffings which ideally matrix for the endurance required in repetitive impact conditions. Rubber Shockpads have low rebound forces attributable to the addition of 30% expanded polystyrene beads (EPS) which reduces the potential for long bone injuries.

Rubber Shockpads are quick to install, they aren’t affected by rain, cold conditions or direct sunlight and they don’t blow away during installation in windy conditions.



Polymerically bound recycled rubber and polystyrene


From 15mm to 50mm in 5mm increments.

Shockpads can be doubled up to achieve any thickness

Density 450kg/m³


Dimensions - ± 1.5%

Dimensions 1m x 1m Density - ± 5%

- An installation guide is available upon request.


Suitable for use under all synthetic grass and wetpour rubber playground surfacing.